When you are 100% ready for dating...

Each of us who is leading a single life full of freedom and permissiveness, sooner or later faces the moment X. It is the moment when you realize all your freedom and permissiveness is actually nothing, it's more than useless and needless. It's the moment when you change your points of view and decide to turn your life upside down. The moment when you start feeling lonely and miserable, when you look on the dating couples with enviness and hidden hope. So what are the portents of that decisive moment?
- It's time when you start thinking more and more about the words your parents and friends are saying to you constantly (though you couldn't care less before).. Those are all those bla-bla-bla talks about: "Will I see any grandkids in my life or no?", "Dear, don't you think it's time to start dating someone?", "When will you give us a chance to dance on your wedding?", "all your friends have families already, when will you?.." etc. If you could ignore those comments before, now they make you nervous and put you down.
- It's time when you realize the winter is coming and it would be better to have someone to keep your bed warm (and your beloved cat is not the one we mean :))..
- It's time when you are sick and tired of eating out, and seeing your fridge pristine. All your attempts to cook yourself are usually disastrous and you end with cursing and swearing, calling the pizza-boy again.
- Your last date was horrible and you still are having nightmares about it (so maybe it's time to start dating again and renew your feelings?);
- All your friends always tend to make you busy with their kids for week-ends, ask you to baby-sit or visit their old-aged relatives.. because they just don't have an idea that you might have your personal plans for the week-end!
- Your family is constantly providing you with new and new candidates for dating, and with time they are becoming more and more persistent. It's better to start controlling the matters yourself till they organize your wedding behind your back and make it "a surprise''.
- All the anecdotes you can remember are far from being brilliant and witty, mostly sharing the teen-agers' level of education and ending with platitudes and banalities.
- The most romantic thing that happened to you this year has been watching a melodrama movie, staying home under the warm blanket while it was rainign outside..staying under the warm blanket ALONE.. not much fun, is it?
- When you are invited to the party and have to refuse, because you realize everyone will come with a partner. Everyone but you.. and you don't want to be a black sheep anymore, you are sick and tired of that!
- It's the time when people around start doubting your sexual orientation, because they have not seen you dating for ages! And as a rule those doubts are bringing numerous rumors, so be sure to be talked about by the half of community soon! It will never make you happy unless you have a secret aim to popularize your humble person. Some TV stars and politicians even pay good honorariums to be promoted like that!;
Certainly each of us can have his/her own reasons - some of them can be funny and some of them can be very serious.. However, it's always better to share your life with a person you care about than wasting it alone. Dating is an amazing period of life when you start having wings, believe you can fly and see the world absolutely different. Dating is a time when the colors are brighter and smells are flavored, when you are open for something new and exciting. So why don't you let those special moments in your life again just right now? Why are you still leading that grey, usual single-life routine? Start talking to nice people and find someone interesting to date with. It's what this site was made for - to help you start dating again!